
Monday, May 19, 2014

New look

So what do you think of the new look?

I am still working out some kinks (like the spacing on the sidebar...ugg). But hopefully I can get that all worked out soon.

This week I also finished the Bible quiet book pattern. Wahoo! This book includes 12 Bible stories as well as 4 additional pages (the cover, a mirror page, a pocket page, and a back page).

Do you want to see more pics? Check out the shop HERE.  The instructions for each page are approximately 22 pages of detailed information and color pictures to help you easily construct the pages.

The binding is creative (biased opinion of course) because it holds everything together but still allows for pages to come apart. That way you can just grab a few or pass pages out to different kids. It keeps everyone happy and hopefully quiet! My little man loves them!

Here is the complete book:

Check out a description of each page HERE.

If you are interested in purchasing the bundle or individual pages, just click HERE or on the shop link above.

And check back later this week for a giveaway of the entire pattern!

(Don't forget to check out all the amazing places I party and link up to!)


  1. Your blog looks great! I've pinned your post too.

    Thanks for joining the Say G'Day Saturday linky party. Hope you can link up with us again this weekend.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz
