
Friday, April 8, 2011

˚recipe˚ Laundry Detergent

That's right folks. This is a recipe for laundry detergent. 

And oh how I love this detergent. Around here, we have had a un-fixable problem with static. We've tried everything. Maybe one day I will post on all the ways to lessen static on your clothes. Most of those tricks helped, but now we have found the ultimate answer

Not only does this detergent seem to get rid of static for us, it also smells so good, makes our clothes super soft, and is really cheap to make. (love that!)

Not really into making your own laundry detergent? I totally understand. You might purchase the ingredients and put them (with the recipe) in your emergency storage just in case! Nothing like having plenty of detergent when no one else does.

This recipe makes about 12 gallons of laundry detergent, so be prepared to store that much in milk cartons or other containers, unless you make 1/2 a batch (which is what I did. FYI: the pictures show 1/2 the recipe).

Things you need:

5 gallon bucket
Cheese grader
1 bar of Fels-Naptha soap grated (found in some grocery stores on the laundry isle, ace hardware, or online)
1 cup Borax (found on the laundry isle)
1 cup Washing Soda (found on the laundry isle)

What to do:

1. Grate Fels-Naptha bar, add to 4 cups of water and melt on medium heat until
dissolved stirring constantly.

2. Fill bucket 1/2 full of hot tap water

3. Add Fels-Naptha solution. Add both the washing soda and borax. Stir until completely dissolved.

5. Add hot tap water until bucket is full. 
6. Allow to cool overnight.
7. Add 50% more water and pour into containers. (I use milk cartons half water/solution.) You may also need to stir up the solution to break it up a little if it has turned jello-like. I have heard that the consistency of this detergent changes each time it is made, but it works well regardless. 

 To use: Pour a full cup into each load of laundry and you will get lovely smelling, sparkly
clean clothes (and static free) for cheap.

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